37. Student Status Management (SSM)

How to make student accounts cycle between active and inactive in Reach.

The Student Status Management (SSM) module is ideal for flexi boarding students who are only temporarily active in the boarding house. It allows you to set profiles for students to become automatically active and inactive based on a timetable or schedule. In Reach we refer to this as a Rota.


Schools are adapting to different types of boarding based on parent requirements and market trends so that full-time boarding is no longer the only option offered. This change is approach has led to students either only being in boarding for selected days of the week, ad-hoc overnight stays or in fact not staying overnight at all but staying on after the academic school day has finished.

Reach can accommodate these different types of boarder but required a level of configuration and then manipulation of factors such as groups to provide an account of what students were in boarding care and which were not at any given time.


Students of all status need to be accommodated within the Reach platform irrespective of whether they are boarding, part-time boarding or not boarding at all.

SSM is a solution that allows all student types to be available within Reach and for the times that they are active to be controlled by the system either automatically, by a student action or under direction of a member of staff.

Example - Day Boarders & Flexi-Boarders

A school has a mixed boarding offering where students that do not board overnight but stay beyond the end of the school day for activities, sports fixture or prep. These as sometimes called ‘Day Boarders’ or ‘Flexi-Boarders’ and will be attached to a boarding house whilst they are in school and will need to be treated in the same way as a full-time boarder and appear in the operational parts of the platform such as roll call and SiSo.

When they go home from school they then need to ‘disappear’ from these operational functions so that the staff can get an accurate picture of who is in boarding maintaining accurate roll call lists and kiosk view without staff not being able to check a student history or raise a pastoral note for instance.


SSM creates a process where a student can be in either an active or inactive state. This state will then dictate where and when they can both appear and interact with the components within Reach.

This status can be controlled by:

  • A configured rota based on Residential status where it changes based upon a student association with the timetabled rota. i.e – Student X is a ‘Day Boarder’ that is expected into school at 08:00 and to leave by 19:30 therefore they are a member of the rota item that runs each day from 08:00 until 19:30 and will automatically activated and deactivated at these times.

  • SiSo to a location where the location is configured to change the Student status, i.e. SiSo’ing to location ‘Home’ will deactivate that student.

  • Manual change to a student status by a member of staff.